


Curriculum of Faculty of Economics and Management

Cultural Subjects: 30 credits and above (including of 12credits of 6 compulsory subjects and 4 credits of 2 compulsory elective subjects)
Syllabus of cultural subjects
Class Subject Appropriating
to EachUniversity
The Learning the Analects of Confucius 1 2
The Reading the Analects of Confucius 1?2?3?4 2
The Happiness Theory of the Analects of Confucius 2 2
The Composition Comprehension I 1 2
The Composition Comprehension II 1 2
The Intercultural Comprehension 1 2
The Situation of Japan 1 2
The Sports I 1 2
The Sports II 2?3?4 2
The Thought of Human Being 1 2
The Iwaki Study 2?3?4 2
The Society and Human Being 2 2
The Law and Constitution 1 2
The Politics 2 2
The Psychology 2 2
The Environment Theory 1 2
The Comprehension of Nature 1 2
The Management of Mathematics 1 2
The Sports Massage 1 2
The Sports Taping 1 2
The Life Sports Theory 1 2
The Handicapped Sports Theory 2 2
The Self-Enlightenment and Career Development 1 2
The Development of Occupational Consciousness and Career Management 2 2
The Career Guidance 2 2
The Career Design 3 2
The Business Guidance 1?2 2
The Overseas Training 1?2?3?4 6
English IA 1 2
Chinese IA 1 2
Korean IA 1 2
Japanese IA 1 2
The Lecture of Upper Class English IA 1 2
English IB 1 2
Chinese IB 1 2
Korean IB 1 2
Japanese IB 1 2
The Lecture of Upper Class English IB 1 2
English IIA 2 1
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIA 2 2
Chinese IIA 2 1
Korean IIA 2 1
Japanese IIA 2 1
English IIB 2 1
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIB 2 2
Chinese IIB 2 1
Korean IIB 2 1
Japanese IIB 2 1
English for Overseas Students A 1?2 2
English for Overseas Students B 1?2 2
Japanese IIIA 3?4 1
Japanese IIIB 3?4 1
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIIA 3?4 2
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIIB 3?4 2
The Intensive Lecture of Foreign Language I 2 6
The Intensive Lecture of Foreign Language II 3?4 6
The Cultural Subject 1 2
Specialized Basic Subjects:20 credits and above ( including of 14 credits of 7 compulsory subjects)
Syllabus of Specialized Basic Subjects
Class Subject Appropriating
to EachUniversity
The Introduction of Economics 1 2
The Basic of Economics 1 2
The Economic History 1 2
The Regional Economy 1 2
The Introduction of Management Studies 1 2
The Business Management 1?2 2
The Management History 2 2
The Bookkeeping I 1 2
The Bookkeeping II 1 2
The Situation of Asia ( China, Korea) 2 2
The Statistics 1 2
The Introduction of Information Processing 1 2
The Simulation 2 2
The Computer Practice IA 1 2
The Computer Practice IB 1 2
Programming A 1 2
Programming B 1 2
The Career Theory in Sports business 3 2
The Sports Management Studies 1 2
The Sports Management Studies 1 2
The Regional Sports Club Management 2 2
The Principles of Economics A 2?3 2
The Principles of Economics B 2?3 2
The Specialized Basic Practice 2 2
Specialized Subject:45 credits and above ( including of 12 credits of 5 compulsory subjects)
Syllabus of Specialized Subject
Class Subject Appropriating
to EachUniversity
The Administrative Law 3 2
The Finance Business 2 2
The Environment Economics 3 2
The Economic Policy 2 2
The Public Economy 2?3 2
The Traffic Economy 3 2
The International Economy 2 2
The Finances 2 2
The Local Government Finance 2 2
The Leisure Industry 3 2
The American Economy 3 2
The Japanese Economy 3 2
The Management Organization 3 2
The Marketing 3 2
The Civil and Commercial Code 2 2
The Accounts 2 2
The Upper Class Bookkeeping 2?3 4
The Management Information 3 2
The Processing of Management Information 2 4
The Communication 2 2
The Information Media 2 2
The Information Society and Ethics 2 2
The Economic Information 3 2
The Database 2 2
The Computer Network 3 2
The Image Processing and CG 2 2
The Computer Practice IIA 2 2
The Computer Practice IIB 2 2
VB Programming A 2 2
VB Programming B 2 2
Web Design 2 2
CG Design 3 2
The Sports Marketing Theory 2 2
The Practice of Sports Marketing Theory 2 2
The Sports Service Industry Theory 3 2
The Practice of Sports Marketing Theory 3 2
The Specialized Subject Practice I 3 2
The Specialized Subject Practice II 4 2
Graduate Study 4 4
Development Subject:6 credits and above( including of 3 compulsory subjects)
Syllabus of Development Subject
Class Subject Appropriating
to EachUniversity
NPO and Volunteer 2 2
The Peace Economy A 4 2
The Peace Economy B 4 2
The Specialized Lecture of regional Economy 2?3 2
The Practice of the creation of local town 3 4
The Cost Accounting 2?3 4
The Business Analysis 3 2
The System Analysis and Design 3 4
The Universe and High Technology 3 2
The Intercultural Exchange 1 1
The Introduction of Ageing Society with fewer Children 2 2
The Management Strategy 3 2
The Rehabilitation Studies 1 2
The Fostering for Manpower 1 2
The Marine Environment Studies 1 2
The Internship 3 4
The Specialized Research Practice A 1?2?3?4 2
The Specialized Research Practice B 1?2?3?4 2
The Subjects about License and Teacher-Training Etc. Course
Syllabus of the Subjects about License and Teacher-Training Etc. Course
Class Subject Appropriating
to EachUniversity
The Subjects about License Course
The Lecture for Civil Service Examination Measures 1 2
The Lecture for Information Processing License I(IT Passport) 2 2
Bookkeeping 3 Grade 2 2
Bookkeeping 2 Grade 3 2
The Subjects about Teacher-Training Course
The Information and Vocation 3 2
The Vocational Guidance 3 2
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