


Curriculum of Faculty of Health and Welfare

General Subjects: 24 credits and above (including of 14 credits of 9 compulsory subjects and 6 credits of 3 compulsory elective subjects )
Syllabus of General Subjects
Class Subject Appropriating to Each University Year Credit National Examination designation Subject
Social Worker Psychiatric Social Workers
The Learning the Analects of Confucius 1 2    
The Reading the Analects of Confucius 1 2    
The Happiness Theory of the Analects of Confucius 2 2    
The Bioethics I 1 2    
The Bioethics II 1 2    
The Jurisprudence 1 2    
The Social Theory and Social System 1 2
The Psychology Theory and Psychological Support 1 2
The Nature Environments Theory 1 2    
The Information Processing Practice IA 1 1    
The Information Processing Practice IB 1 1    
The Information Processing Practice IIA 2 1    
The Information Processing Practice IIB 2 1    
The Statistics 1 2    
The Management Studies 1 2    
English IA 1 2    
Chinese IA 1 2    
Korean IA 1 2    
Japanese IA 1 2    
English for Overseas Students A 1 2    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IA 1 2    
English IB 1 2    
Chinese IB 1 2    
Korean IB 1 2    
Japanese IB 1 2    
English for Overseas Students B 1 2    
English II 2 2    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IB 1 2    
English IIA 2 1    
Chinese IIA 2 1    
Korean IIA 2 1    
Japanese IIA 2 1    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIA 2 2    
English IIB 2 1    
Chinese IIB 2 1    
Korean IIB 2 1    
Japanese IIB 2 1    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIB 2 2    
Japanese IIIA 3 1    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIIA 3 2    
Japanese IIIB 3 1    
The Lecture of Upper Class English IIIB 3 2    
The English Conversation 2 2    
The Sports I 1 1    
The Sports II 2 1    
The Life Sports Theory 1 2    
The Handicapped Sports Theory 2 2    
The Handicapped Sports Practice 2 1    
The Sports Massage 1 2    
The Sports Taping 1 2    
The Communication I 1 2    
The Communication II 1 2    
The Lecture of Comics and Animations A 1 2    
The Lecture of Comics and Animations B 1 2    
The Specialized Research Practice A 1 2    
The Specialized Research Practice B 1 2    
The Rehabilitation Studies 1 2    
Specialized Basic Subjects: 60 credits and above ( including of 12credits of 6 compulsory subjects and 4 credits of 2 compulsory elective subjects)
Syllabus of Specialized Basic Subjects
Class Subject Appropriating to Each University Year Credit National Examination designation Subject
Social Worker Psychiatric Social Workers
The Welfare Environment Theory 1 2    
The Introduction of Ageing Society with fewer Children 1 2    
The Modern Society and Welfare I 1 2
The Modern Society and Welfare II 1 2
The Basis and Profession of Consultation Supporting I 1 2
The Basis and Profession of Consultation Supporting II 1 2
The Social Security I 2 2
The Social Security II 2 2
The Support for the Indigent and Public Assistance System 2 2
The Community Welfare Theory and Method I 2 2
The Community Welfare Theory and Method II 2 2
The Structure and the Function of Human Body and Illness I 1 2
The Structure and the Function of Human Body and Illness I 1 2
The Support for the Elders and Nursing- Care Insurance System I 1 2  
The Support for the Elders and Nursing- Care Insurance System IIA 2 2  
The Support for the Elders and Nursing- Care Insurance System IIB 2 2  
The Support for the Handicapped and The Handicapped Self Reliance I 2 2
The Support for the Handicapped and The Handicapped Self Reliance II 2 2
The Support for Child and Family and the Child and Family Welfare System I 2 2  
The Support for Child and Family and the Child and Family Welfare System II 2 2  
The Consultation and Assistance Theory and Method IA 2 2  
The Consultation and Assistance Theory and Method IB 2 2  
The Consultation and Assistance Theory and Method IIA 2 2  
The Consultation and Assistance Theory and Method IIB 2 2  
The Basis of Social Investigation 2 2  
The Psychiatry I 2 2  
The Psychiatry II 2 2  
The Mental Health Studies I 3 2  
The Mental Health Studies II 3 2  
The Mental Health Welfare I 2 2  
The Mental Health Welfare II 2 2  
The Introduction of Mental Health Welfare I 2 2  
The Introduction of Mental Health Welfare II 2 2  
The Human Resources of Welfare Theory 1 2    
The Basis of Social Welfare 1 2    
The Basic Principle and Background of Social Welfare 1 2    
The Sexual Health 1 2    
The Identity Theory 1 2    
The Addition Theory 1 2    
The Stress Management Theory 1 2    
The Family Theory 1 2    
The Sand Play Technique 1 2    
The Music Therapy 1 2    
The Team Care 3 2    
The Creating Welfare Town Theory 2 2    
The Community Welfare Service Theory 2 2    
The Rehabilitation Theory 2 2    
The Family Welfare I 2 2    
The Family Welfare II 2 2    
The International Social Welfare Theory 3 2    
The Counseling Skill I 2 2    
The Counseling Skill II 2 2    
The Child Educational Psychology 2 2    
The Nursing Principle ( Biennial Course) 1      
The Infant Psychology Assessment(Biennial Course ) 2 2    
NPO? Volunteer 2 2    
The Environment Theory 1 2    
The Intellectual Developmental Disability Theory 2 2    
Specialized Subject:40 credits and above( including of 16 credits of 9 compulsory subjects and 4 credits of 2 compulsory elective subjects)
Syllabus of Specialized Subject
Class Subject Appropriating to Each University Year Credit National Examination designation Subject
Social Worker Psychiatric Social Workers
The Consultation Supporting Practice I 2 2
The Consultation Supporting Practice II 3 2  
The Consultation Supporting Practice III 3 1  
The Consultation Supporting Exercise 3 4  
The Consultation Supporting Exercise Guiding 2~3 2  
The Administration and Finance of Welfare and Welfare Planning I 3 2
The Administration and Finance of Welfare and Welfare Planning II 3 2
The Social Welfare Legislation Theory 3 2    
The System and Service about Spirit Insurance Welfare I 3 2  
The System and Service about Spirit Insurance Welfare II 3 2  
The Medical Social Work Theory 3 2    
The Care Management Theory 3 2    
The Psychiatry Rehabilitation Studies I 3 2  
The Psychiatry Rehabilitation Studies II 3 2  
The Mental Health Welfare Support Skill I 3 2  
The Mental Health Welfare Support Skill II 3 2  
The Mental Health The Welfare Support Practice 3 2  
The Mental Health Welfare Support Exercise Guiding 2~3 2  
The Mental Health Welfare Support Exercise 3 5  
The Community Psychiatric Treatment 3 2    
The Recreation Therapy (Biennial Course ) 2 2    
The Infant Development Support Theory I 3 2    
The Infant Development Support Theory II 3 2    
The School Counseling 3 2    
The School Social Work 3 2    
The Elder and the Handicapped Life Environment Theory I 3 2    
The Elder and the Handicapped Life Environment Theory II 3 2    
The Rehabilitation of The Developmental Disability Child 2 2    
The Health Service 3 2
The Job Seeking Support Service 3 2  
The Right Support and Guardian of Adult 3 2
The Social Readjustment System 3 2  
The Organization and Management of Welfare Service 3 2  
The Welfare Recreation 2 2    
The Support and Application of Assistive Technology I 2 2    
The Support and Application of Assistive Technology II 2 2    
The Welfare Volunteer 3 2    
The Internship ( The Practice Scene of Welfare I) 3 1    
The Internship ( The Practice Scene of Welfare II) 3 1    
The Family Psychology 3 2    
The Terminal Care 3 2    
The Introduction of Sign Language 1 2    
The Experience of The Handicapped and The Elder 2 2    
The Mental and Physical Functions and the Life Support 3 2    
The Care Training 3 2    
The Finances 2 2    
The Local Government Finance 2 2    
The Fostering for Manpower 1 2    
The Basic Practice IA 1 2    
The Basic Practice IB 1 2    
The Basic Practice IIA 2 2    
The Basic Practice IIB 2 2    
The Specialized Subject Practice( Including of the Reading of Foreign Books) I 3 2    
The Specialized Subject Practice( Including of the Reading of Foreign Books) II 3 2    
The Career Practice I 4 1    
The Career Practice II 4 1    
Graduate Study 4 6    
Specialized Subject:40 credits and above( including of 16 credits of 9 compulsory subjects and 4 credits of 2 compulsory elective subjects)
Syllabus of Specialized Subject
Class Subject Appropriating to Each University Year Credit National Examination designation Subject
Social Worker Psychiatric Social Workers
The Subjects about License Course
The Lecture for Civil Service Examination Measures 1 2    
The Practice for Civil Service Examination Measures I 1 2    
The Practice for Civil Service Examination Measures II 2 2    
The Practice for Civil Service Examination Measures III 3 2    
Bookkeeping 3 Grade 2 2    
Bookkeeping 2 Grade 3 2    
The Lecture for State Examination Measures 3 1    
The Lecture for State Examination Measures II 3 1    
The Lecture for State Examination Measures III 4 1    
The Lecture for State Examination Measures IV 4 1    
The Specialized Research Practice IA 1 2    
The Specialized Research Practice IB 1 2    
The Specialized Research Practice IIA 2 2    
The Specialized Research Practice IIB 2 2    
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